
Hannah is an Australian actor, theatre maker, director, author, producer, occasional poet and karaoke superstar.


Raised in an artistic family in Perth, Western Australia, Hannah began her arts career as a dancer (Contemporary, Jazz and Ballet), a pianist and a terrible violin student. Finding her way to the theatre at a young age, she studied in the Specialist Drama program at John Curtin College of the Arts, graduating top of her year.


Taking a gap year after completing High School she travelled to the International Drama Education Association (IDEA) Conference in Hong Kong SAR where she was a young performer (also at IDEA 2004, Ottawa) and co-presented a paper on marking drama with Robin Pascoe. From there she travelled to London, where she spent a summer studying Shakespeare, Jacobean Theatre and Restoration Theatre at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA).


Returning to Australia she co-authored the second edition of Drama & Theatre Key Terms and Concepts, published by StagePage Publications, updating the text to reflect her time using the first edition as a student and to include a new curriculum framework. Continuing to work for StagePage, a third edition was published in 2013 and a digital version of the book is now available.


Following her forray into writing, Hannah spent a year in the Drama School at the Victorian College of the Arts before heading to New York to take part in the rigorous, 2.5 year professional Conservatory program at the Atlantic Theatre Company, where she graduated with a lead role in Rhinoceros directed by Mia Rovegno and as director of the final company show, Mercury Fur, which was "the most successful company show in the schools history". 


Continuing her work in New York, Hannah produced Fear and Misery in the Third Reich with The Untitled Players, in which she also directed The Spy and performed in The Jewish Wife. She then co-directed and produced No Exit with Celine Modschiedler.


Back in Australia, Hannah spent time in Melbourne and Perth refining her skills both in front of and behind the camera.


Returning to her theatre roots, Hannah formed the company PoppyCock Productions with Michael Sean Cirelli and produced and starred in The Nina Variations at Perth Fringe World 2015. Completing the Australian Fringe circuit as tour manager and occasional performer with The Neo-Futurists from New York, Chicago and San Francisco in their show Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind and Sex with Animals at Adelaide Fringe 2015 and Melbourne International Comedy Festival 2015.


Currently, she can be found traipsing around the globe as a Troglodyte with Theatre Bang Bang every where from Germany, London and Edinburgh and most recently in Perth, WA at the 2016 FringeWorld Festival.